Global Coach Training & Change Management

Giving Back

We believe that coaching skills can enhance all areas of life, not only leadership in organisations, but the greater contexts of personal relationships, inter-country politics, cross-cultural communication, the rehabilitation of offenders and the education of children and adults.

We are committed to spreading the benefits of coaching to as wide an audience as possible, regardless of people’s ability to pay. As well as delivering coach training to organisations globally, we undertake this in the following ways:

For Charities

Coaching skills arguably make the greatest difference to people who have led challenging lives, who may have been homeless or convicted as offenders, or are lacking role models in behaviour and communication. But historically these are the people least likely to gain access to coach training.

To fill this need, in 2012 we helped to create the MOE Foundation by providing our signature coach training course and lead trainers to deliver it. Through this organisation we have provided coach training for over 1100 participants in an increasing number of locations, and through MOE’s Trainers’ Pathway, we have trained more trainers to deliver the training, all entirely free of charge.

We have provided free training to prison governors in Africa through Justice Defenders (formerly the African Prisons Project), coached and trained pro-bono for Crisis, and provided free coaching to workers in the NHS during the pandemic.

We have provided reduced priced training and/or coaching for funded charities including World Animal Protection, Spana, Together for Short Lives, and the coaching-for-prisoners charity Spark Inside.

For Individuals

We provide ILM accredited coach training in London twice a year in the form of open courses which anyone may attend, with scholarship places available to those in need, for example the unemployed. No-one is ever turned away because they are unable to pay.

Our values

We believe in showing respect and consideration towards all people including those we work with, for and who work for us.

We value excellence, originality, creative and innovative thinking, humour, health, collaboration, inclusiveness, integrity, openness, and trust.

We promote good health, wholesome and nutritious diets, self-help, fresh air and exercise, and try to be as sustainable as possible.