Global Coach Training & Change Management

CASE STUDY: English Schools Foundation

Coaching Skills Training and Coaching Train-the-Trainer Programme


The English Schools Foundation governs 22 private schools in Hong Kong. The Head Teacher of one of the schools, Graham Silverthorne, had a vision of building a coaching culture throughout a number of closely linked schools and within the ESF itself, through coaching courses and coaching train-the-trainer.

Working closely with Graham Silverthorne, we created a coaching course for teachers and faculty, leading to ILM certification. After two years, Graham and one of his colleagues had sufficient experience in coaching to train as trainers themselves. They are now delivering coaching courses regularly internally at the ESF. We have worked with Graham and ESF on building the coaching culture through through Coaching Skills courses,  Train the Coach Trainer programmes. Presentations and Generative Thinking Meetings.

We have worked with ESF regularly since 2011, delivering ILM certified coaching courses to  managers and faculty from the ESF in Hong Kong. Our Coaching Train-the-Trainer graduates have also delivered regular coaching courses internally, to faculty and pupils. Graham Silverthorne reports that, through the work we have done there over a period of years, the whole culture has changed into a coaching culture.

“My mind is buzzing – so different from many courses where the mind is dulled!”

“Thank you – a great (and super speedy) day. Looking forward to tomorrow.”

“Very good! Really appreciated the chance to be reflective!”

“I can see how these things will be applied to my role in working collaboratively with new staff and current staff. I can see huge potential in the process. Thanks for your insight and experience sharing.” 

“I will definitely apply the skills for coaching and supporting the staff to develop goals and achieve them.”

“Brain churning, lots of learning! Much thanks.”

“Being ‘in role’ really helps – at times I thought I would not be able to take the conversation anywhere, but the model definitely facilitated this. Really helps when tired! This has been an incredibly intense but useful training course. I will definitely apply what I have learned in my professional (and private) life. Thank you so much for your time and commitment.”

“This is a very powerful course! The more you do it the better you get (or the more comfortable I got!)”

“Fantastic course, very valuable experience and I’m looking forward to developing the skills and getting more involved in coaching.”

“What I found most valuable was the opportunity to experience the coaching feedback model with direct correlation to our coaching. Thank you for the exceptional level of quality and challenge, reflection and skill development experienced over the last three days. Greatly appreciated.”

“I valued the time with colleagues, discussing and using the coaching model so that discussions were professional and focused. The discussion about the future of coaching in the foundation and its commitment to sustainability of coaching was inspirational and built further confidence.”

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